Our Story
Lakeview History
Established 1972
Lakeview Community Church began as a group of people who met regularly for worship and Bible study together at Camp Lakeview. The camp, which was located in Atlas Township on Tody Road, adjacent to wooded land owned by the State of Michigan, was well known among area churches as a retreat facility.
The camp was co-owned by two church denominations: the Brethren in Christ U.S. and the Missionary Church. The new congregation was formed as a Brethren in Christ church, and as the church began to grow, land was purchased a few miles away on M-15 for greater visibility and accessibility. The congregation was formally organized in 1972, and soon after began meeting at their new location, where they still meet. The facility was constructed in two phases, with several members of the congregation playing key roles in its construction and completion.
Over the past 50+ years, the community around Lakeview Community Church has changed significantly. People have moved in and out of the community, as well as Lakeview. Pastors have changed, and the facilities have changed.
But the sense of a close knit group of people with humble beginnings has remained intact, and has helped Lakeview remain actively engaged with families in the area. Camp Lakeview was eventually sold and turned into a housing development.
As a local Brethren In Christ congregation, Lakeview supports and engages in work that takes place around the world. In addition to spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, their ministry partners are actively involved in advocating for peace among various people groups. There are also specific ministry partners whose main purpose is helping people who face great poverty, discrimination, and oppression find ways to provide for their families through gainful work. In many parts of the world, people are given livestock, hand tools, or even skilled training to start their own businesses.
Brethren in Christ History
Learn more about the Brethren in Christ denomination at the Brethren in Christ website.